Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Winterize your Skin

Its that time of year boys and girls. Dry skin is a plague when the temp goes down outside and the heat goes up in homes. Here are just a few easy tips and solutions you can try at home to keep your skin in tip top shape! Moisturize, moisturize moisturize! You don't have to spend a lot of money to get a good face moisturizer. Look for ones with SPF! I like Aveeno and you can pick it up at any drugstore. Turn the temp down in the shower.  A sure way to dry out skin is too hot of a shower. Also showers that are too hot can cause broken capillaries on the face and chest. While in the shower use a loofah or body scrub to help increase cell turnover. For your feet use Mr.Pumice (love!) After you get out and dry off slather down with a good body lotion I suggest Eucerin. So follow these simple tips and your skin will love you for it!

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