Well my beautiful friend Mandi asked me a simple question on my last blog and after answering it I was like dang, I could have made that into a blog within itself. So I just copy and pasted. Gotta love right click. :)
- By the way Mandi has 2 fabulous blogs you should check out One is about her and her Husbands current journey in life and their goal in adopting a baby, entitled Waites in Waiting http://waiteswaiting.blogspot.com/, if you know someone who is thinking about giving their baby up for adoption please direct them to this site and secondly this sassy librarian is a a book reviewing mama-cita so check out her book reviews at http://quickwitandcharm.blogspot.com/
- Ok , now choosing the right eyeshadow!

- Mandi said...
- I'd like to know what color eyeshadow looks best on different colored eyes (i.e. what's best for blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes, etc.). I use purple almost daily on my brown eyes.
- Simply Kendra said...
- Mandi , You are using a great color for brown eyes! I have brown eyes too and when we swipe on any shade of purple from lilac to dark plum it's really going to make those warm tones in our eye color pop! Dark greens also look nice. Another favorite of mine for brown eyes would have to be a shimmery light blue (think baby blue) or dark gray on the lid paired with really black liner and mascara. Champagne looks good paired with dark brown liner and for a little more drama add a chocolate brown to the crease and give yourself a pretty brown smokey eye. And one of my favorite shades to wear is a bright teal on the lid, cover girl carries an awesome shade of this I absolutely adore. Any brown shadows with real red or ruddy undertones are a no no.
Covergirl Teal, love this color! Black looks good on everyone, but looks super sexy with blue peepers Purple is almost always a hit with green eyes